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Welcome to the Platon PaaS page! Here, you will find detailed information about how to get started and use Platon's Kubernetes cluster, which is designed to run containerized applications.

What is Platon PaaS?

Platon PaaS is a Kubernetes cluster. It allows you to run containerized applications, providing a scalable and flexible solution for deploying and managing your applications. With Kubernetes, you can quickly and efficiently respond to customer demand:

  • Deploy your applications quickly and predictably.
  • Scale your applications on the fly.
  • Seamlessly roll out new features.
  • Optimize use of your hardware by using only the resources you need.

We have designed our cluster as a multi-tenant cluster where each Gitlab project only has access to its own separate namespace. It uses the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).

Getting Started with Platon PaaS

If you are new to Kubernetes or the Platon PaaS, we recommend starting by reading the getting started tutorial. This guide will walk you through the basics and help you understand how to use the Platon PaaS effectively.

Example Projects

For a more hands-on experience, we also provide several example projects. These examples will show you how to deploy different applications to the Platon PaaS and how to utilize different functionalities in the Platon PaaS platform. These projects are designed to help you understand the practical application of Platon PaaS and learn by doing.

Further Reading

For more in-depth information about specific topics related to Platon PaaS, please navigate through the menu located on the left side of this page. This menu contains various topics that will help you explore and understand the Platon PaaS platform in greater detail.