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Link GitLab project ownership to the appropriate Product Team or Product Area

In Sikt, each GitLab project should be linked to a corresponding Azure AD (Entra ID) group belonging to Product Area (PA) or Product Team (PT). This integration simplifies ownership management and helps with deeper integration to other systems.

This documentation outlines the steps necessary to link GitLab projects to Azure AD (Entra ID) groups.

  1. Access your project and identify the "parent group" it belongs to. For example, the project aws-landing-zone belongs to the "parent group" Platon.

    Group overview

  2. Navigate to "Settings" for the group and add Azure AD (EntraID) under "General - Group description". You can find Azure AD (EntraID) for your Product Team (PT) or Product Area (PA) on (see point 5).

    Note: To access the Settings menu, you must be a member of the GitLab project.

  3. In the "Group description" text field, add the PT/PA name and the Azure AD (Entra ID), prefixed with either PT or PA depending on your choice of connection.

    Group description

  4. If the GitLab group is not tagged with Azure AD (EntraID), it will automatically inherit the Azure AD (EntraID) from the "parent group."

  5. Azure AD (EntraID) for your product team or product area can be found at Example for Platon:

  6. If several groups and projects are divided among product areas, you can tag the subgroups with product teams.