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Container Image registry

We have several types of container image registries available, suitable for different requirements.


This service will be retired and replaced by dedicated ECRs per GitLab project. These ECRs are fully managed by Platon and will require no set-up by the developer. You can start your migration now.

This is a Docker registry used by the PaaS. The configuration for pushing images to it are baked into the Platon CI/CD helper scripts and the PaaS is configured to be allowed to pull from this registry in all application namespaces.

Amazon Elastic Container Registry

Platon uses private Elastic Container Registries as the standard way of automatically storing and delivering images to the PaaS cluster. These are also options for teams that have their own AWS account and have need for setting up their own ECRs with custom access, retention policies, etc.

AWS ECR Private

ECR Private is a fully managed container registry. Access is managed using AWS IAM so that specific users or Amazon EC2 instances can access repositories and images.

AWS ECR Public

Amazon ECR Public is a fully managed registry that makes it easy for a developer to publicly share container software worldwide for anyone to download. Developers can share and deploy container images publicly using the Amazon ECR Public Gallery - a website that allows anyone to browse and search for public container images, view developer-provided details, and see pull commands.


It is also possible to use for storing Docker images. See Artifactory page for more information.

The main use case here is mostly for teams that don't have their own AWS accounts and have need for serving container images used outside of the Platon PaaS.