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Matomo is a web analytics service that provides detailed information about how visitors interact with websites and services.

How to Access?

  1. Have you logged into Matomo before?
    If yes - Go to the next point.
    If no - Go to and log in using the green LOG IN WITH FEIDE button. You will receive an error message, just ignore this.

  2. Contact the administrator of the website you want access to. He/she will grant you the access you need.

  3. If you want to use Matomo for a website that is not already in Matomo, send an email to and ask Platon to create a new website in Matomo. Remember to specify the name and URL of the website.

How to Get Help?

  • Talk to someone who already uses Matomo.
  • Read the documentation.
  • Ask in our Slack channel #matomo.